
Board of Directors

Joe Ruscio (Founder)

Joe strives to give back to the community by putting his faith into action through charity work. He has been an active member of his Catholic community, volunteered with soup kitchens and fundraising events, friendship meals where the poor and rich dine together, etc. He has been a member of numerous boards and committees throughout the years including school board Trustee with the Huron Superior Catholic School Board, Treasurer of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of Ontario, and many others.

Joe was awarded the 2014 Chamber of Commerce Paul Dalseg Award, recognizing his exemplary interest in the community, and in so doing, has made a major, outstanding and unique achievement or contribution to the life of the community. It is intended to recognize the leadership and community-mindedness of businesspersons and professionals. He also received the 2017 Skipper Manzzutti award recognizing a high standard for exemplary entrepreneurial and community minded achievement. He was named Rotarian of the Year in past years and continues to strive to give back.

Joe practices public accounting through Joe Ruscio Professional Corporation. He has been practicing as a CPA/CA since 1992 and also oversees property management activities throughout Sault Ste. Marie.

Ricci Burton

Ricci was born and raised in a small Northern Ontario town. The French Catholic school he attended was his main source of religious education, with a great deal of emphasis on the catechism and the Virgin Mary. He was taught to pray the Rosary at the tender age of 7 and was told stories of the apparitions and miracles at Fatima. This was the beginning of his great devotion to Mother Mary.

During his early teens, Ricci turned away from the Church, angry with God because of his parents’ breakup and separation. He ceased practicing his faith for a good number of years. However, he remained devoted to Mother Mary and continued to pray to her.

Ricci began to work as a construction worker but later on changed his line of work to become a diamond driller. In 1985, he enrolled in an adult college program, and after graduating, secured employment with Industry Canada as a Communications Officer in RF technology.

While attending college, he met a young Catholic woman who was devoted to her faith. Through her, Ricci came back to the Church. However, it took some time to get God back into his life. In 1986, through perseverance and prayer, he had a massive awakening while attending a Catholic retreat. From that time on, Ricci has never questioned his faith and is forever grateful to God for giving him the grace of conversion.

The young woman from college became his wife, and they were blessed with four beautiful children. They have been sharing their faith through a music ministry; various programs such as La Rencontre (The Encounter), Catholics Returning Home, and the Arise program. He and his wife have also been facilitators in numerous Bible studies.

On April 4, 2020, during the Covid lockdowns, Ricci and his wife organized a prayer group that prayed the Rosary every day in front of the Grotto of Our Lady of Fatima in Sault Ste. Marie. Named “St Mariam of Bethlehem Rosary Group”, the faithful continued to gather outside for almost two and a half years, until September 2022, when they moved indoors, into the adoration chapel. To this day, the Rosary is still prayed at 4 pm, daily. 

In addition, Ricci and his wife are now involved with the “Divine Mercy Missions”, a group that aims, in part, to feed the bodies and souls of the underprivileged members of the community.

Don Bruni

Don is a founding partner  of MicroAge in Sault Ste. Marie. Don has being operating MicroAge for the last 34 years, and has been in the IT industry for over 40 years. Over these years, he has become known to be a leader with extensive mentoring experience and a wealth of IT and business knowledge that he has gained from senior management roles. He actively promotes best practices and brings insightful ideas to the table, always acting with integrity and dedication.


Don's digital savvy skills and positive future thinking skills make him an effective communicator and a valuable asset to any team.


With the ability to form strong bonds and genuine friendships, Don understands the importance of teamwork and providing direction. His effectiveness when working with creative and driven personalities has earned him a professional reputation for providing valuable perspective.


Don brings a balance of skills and experience to his work, and is well-connected to people in his industry and network of clients, friends and family. He is very articulate and has the ability to build leadership, trust and mutual respect. His communication skills, along with his strong governance skills, have been instrumental in his success in developing business strategies, overseeing operations, and ensuring maximum performance for the companies he has worked for.

Lucie Jacques

Looking back and thinking of all the blessings I have received and keep on receiving from God, I can only say how grateful I truly am for all the persons whom He has sent forth and continues to forward in my life, but the greatest of all through our Eternal Father’s saving grace is Jesus Christ and by Him, the Holy Spirit, Who persists in offering me the inner calm that at many times I so desperately needed and still occasionally need.  

Once I understood the Trinity, its unity, and how God intended His presence to be within me, I began to develop an even closer and deeper relationship with our celestial and eternal God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as well as with some of God’s angels, saints and Mother Mary, who forever are also one with our Lord.  When the world offers me no comfort or the evil one is on the attack, our Lord is always there, and as soon as I turn my thoughts to Jesus, He who is greater than all, He who is the Merciful and Loving One, He provides, and I know I can fully trust in Him. 

Vince LaRue

Vince is a retired teacher who was with the Catholic board. He was on the St. Vincent Place board of directors for 11 years and chaired the board for 5 1/2 years. Vince has also volunteered in the food bank at St. Vincent Place and collected food for the Big Blue Drive in September. He previously served on the parish council for St. Gerard Majella Church. 

Vince is also very active in Our Lady of Good Council Parish. He has been involved with various organizations over the years. Currently, he serves on the Divine Mercy Missions group in various roles. He is married and the father of 3 sons, and has one granddaughter.

Claudette Breton

Claudette is a retired Information & Referral Specialist who is now spending her

time being involved in many ministries at Our Lady of Good Counsel.

Claudette is co-coordinator of the Adoration Chaple, Eucharistic Minister,

involved in organizing a yearly Rosary Rally, “Canada needs Our Lady,” every

October and takes part in Life Chain every year.

She founded the Saint Gianna Rosary Prayer Group back in 2013, and the group is still going strong; however, due to the COVID lockdown, she introduced the group to the ZOOM platform, where they continue to meet every week. During the summer months (May to the end of August), on Sundays, the group meets at the Cross on the hill. She also leads a book study, “The Imitation of Christ,” on ZOOM as well.

Now, she is happily involved in Divine Mercy Missions, coordinating the

monthly friendship meals for the less fortunate in our city and reaching

out to people on the streets, chatting and praying with them.

Claudette is also the volunteer who cares for the Oasis of Peace and the roses at the Cross on the Hill. Claudette is married and has a son.

Neil DelBianco

Trailer  Outreach Evangelization Team

Meet The Team

Maxine Cavaliere 

Annual Fundraising Event and Music Committee, CHAIR

Trailer Outreach Evangelization Team

Franceline Burton

Annual Fundraising Event and Music Committee

School Evangelization Committee

Elia Lehtinen

Trailer Outreach Evangelization Team

Roseanne DelBianco

Trailer Outreach Evangelization Team

Morgan Runstedler

Administration and Communications Committee, CHAIR

Brian Candido

Administration and Communications Committee

Roberta LaRue

Administration and Communications Committee

Carole Carroll

Trailer Outreach Evangelization Team

John Martella

Annual Fundraising Event and Music Committee

Sergio Cavaliere

Annual Fundraising Event and Music Committee

Mike Parr

School Evangelization Team

Mary McLean

Trailer Outreach Evangelization Team